


發(fā)布人:http://m.lessonsfromyesterday.com   發(fā)布時間:2017-09-05 16:39:24


(1): the plate surface is not flat, the average thickness, significant indentation, crack, sand hole, scarring and corrosion etc.; the wind pipe sinking plane, side outwards, significant deformation.


(2) harmfulness: when the system is running, the air leakage of the air duct will cause the loss of air conditioning load, and affect the service life of the air pipe. The surface of the wind pipe is shaking and producing noise.


(3) cause analysis: before making the duct, there is no quality check on the material used; there is no measurement of the thickness of the steel plate.


(4) prevention and control measures: first check the material, the factory certificate and the quality of materials confirmed, and then check the appearance of the material; measuring steel thickness. The air pipe is warped, twisted and the angle of the elbow is incorrect.



(1) phenomenon: the rectangular air duct two is not parallel to the plane, and the ends are not parallel; the angle is uneven and straight; the diagonal is unequal; the bite is not strict.


(2) hazard: make wind force does not mean the connection, after the installation of the wind pipe is not straight, the flange gasket is not tight, resulting in the loss of system air leakage, air conditioning load, and shorten the service life; the influence of wind pipe, install the air position right.


(3) analysis: plate cutting lofting is not correct; the wind pipe 22 parallel, relative surface sheet length and width are not equal; the four corners of the duct is not equal to width of bite; bite sew setting position error, manual bite sew force is not the same; did not take corresponding strengthening measures.


(4) prevention measures: when feeding on the sheet should be strictly angle, for each piece of sheet length, width and maintenance of diagonal, so that their deviation control in promised range; sheet material, should be relatively the two wind pipe plate material overlap, right repair size; sheet bite size must be reserved to ensure accurate and consistent width of bite;


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